
hello my name is Taylah and my middle name is lily so thats why my blog is called taylahlily, i absolutely love blogging its just so much fun to share your ideas and thoughts down onto your own page. in my spare i will usually be doing lots and lots of photography its just something i really  enjoy. thank you for reading my hello page please check out my contact page and my blogs page.                    


  1. Hi! I love you blog so much, and I love reading it when new posts come out :D My blog is springnymph.wordpress.com and I was wondering if you would be keen to do a colab with me?
    Let me know what you think,

  2. I Taylah. I was thinking about that youtube thing and I was wondering if you wanted to do photography with me? Tell me what you think
    Love your Friend Bicky xx

  3. I was wondering if you could show me how you do that kind of photography plz. I will pay you if you like
